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My Dogs



Willow is my 80 pound retired Golden Retriever. She will be turning 7 years old this year (2022) and thinks she is a lap dog. Willow has a beautiful golden coat and loves to be brushed. She is a very loving, gentle soul and loves everyone she meets - human or animals.


Her favourite thing is food. She loves food and sometimes when moms not looking, she will sneak some of her food!! Sniffing and exploring during a walk is also a love of hers. You wouldn’t believe the crazy things she can sniff out during a walk. She is not fond of swimming as she doesn’t like to get her paws wet. We think she is a bit of a princess. Willow lets her sister be the boss when they are playing together, even though her sister is half her size. She is always up for a cuddle with mom or better yet, sleeping on her bed!


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Maisy is my purebred registered standard poodle. She is almost a year old (2022). She is 50 pounds and 27 inches to her shoulder. She is a rich red apricot colour with the softest curly coat. She has a beautiful regal bone structure and an elegant stance. She has the silliest, goofiest, loving personality. She is all about having fun, whether it be chasing her sister or wrestling with the other dogs, she enjoys it all. She is our hugger and everyone she meets gets a hug. Her favourite person is my granddaughter London and loves all the hugs and snuggles she can get from her. Maisy also enjoys wrestling, tormenting the cats or napping in the middle of the kitchen in her awkward silly positions.

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Ember is my purebred registered golden retriever. She is a 1.5 years old (2022) and is by far the smallest golden I have ever had. She weighs 50 lbs and is 23 inches to the shoulder. She has a beautiful stocky bone structure and lovely blocky head. Her coat is a beautiful rich red with lighter feathering on her chest, belly and back legs. Her face is darker red with so much expression and she has the most beautiful amber eyes. Her favourite things are wrestling with her little but bigger poodle sister, playing fetch, and running laps in the field. Ember loves learning new tricks and is very clever and catches on quickly. I’m very excited to have her in my breeding program. Paired with the right male she will produce some gorgeous pups!!!



Saje is my English Teddy Bear Doodle. She is 6 years old (2022) and weighs 35 lbs. Her small size doesn’t get in the way of her being the boss and running the show. Saje is very loyal, loving girl. She is smallest dog and my constant shadow. Some of her favorite things are running, actually hopping, through all the tall grass in the field, demonstrating to the other dogs how to get dirty right after a beautiful grooming, sleeping on mom’s pillow, belly rubs and being boss. Her favorite person is me and will refuse to join in on a walk unless I come along.


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Odem is my purebred standard male poodle. He is a small standard weighing 40lbs and he is 23 inches to the shoulder. He has a beautiful soft apricot coat. 


Odem lives in a guardian home in Red Deer with his wonderful family - Shane, Andrea and there 2 boys Ezra and Justus. Andrea describes Odem as a well-mannered, lovable, kind, gentle soul who completes their family. They are a very active family. Odem enjoys his daily walks, hiking in the mountains and his newest adventure is kayaking with mom - which he loves!!! Odem is very smart and obedient boy. His family has spent a lot of time in his training which is evident when you meet him. He even has his own doorbell which he rings with his nose when he wants to go outside to potty or play in the yard. Odem is always impeccably groomed and is on a raw food diet. I am so grateful to Shane and Andrea and the boys for making Odem part of their family. He is so loved!!

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Booth is a purebred AKC registered Standard Red Poodle.  He is 5 years old and stands 28" to the shoulder weighing 60lbs.  Booth is very smart and well trained.  He is very active often participating in dog sports .  He is very friendly and tolerant with other dogs.

Some of my Favorite Sayings

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